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Licking County can display both pieces of information on the Property Card of a listing. You will find some examples below. Another resource that is useful is the Distribution page as Licking will often abbreviate information quite severely on the property card. Looking at the Distribution page will give easier to read information.
This property is in the Corp Limit of "Newark". There is no mention of Township. For the MLS, the Township would be "None"

This property is not in a Corp Limit as there is not one mentioned. For the property below, the Corp Limit would be "None" and the Township would be "Jersey"

This property has both a Corp Limit and a Township. For this listing, the Corp Limit would be "Reynoldsburg" and the Township would be "Etna"

To bring up the Distribution page. click on the COLLECTIONS drop down and choose DISTRIBUTION.

On the Distribution page, you will get an easier to read break down on information. For the property in the example below, there is no mention of a Township. This will confirm that this property is only in the Corp Limit of "Newark"

To verify specific information, please contact the Auditor for further details. You may also find the Tax Rate Sheets provided by many county auditors or treasurers as valuable resources for Corp Limit / Township information. MLS has created a site for Tax Rate Sheet information. Please follow the link below for more details:


Click here for Licking County's Auditor Property Search Tool